The Lou Perez
Comedy • Politics • Culture
Lou Perez is a Webby Award-winning comedian, host of The Lou Perez Podcast, and former head writer and producer of We the Internet TV.
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The Present State of Publishing

“Most of the people who we hired were literature majors,” another editor at a major publishing house told The Free Press. “They come in having read a lot more bell hooks and Jacques Derrida than even The Atlantic, not realizing they’re pretty radical.”

'After the Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020, many publishing staffers were “like, ‘Ben Shapiro is definitely a Nazi,’ and there was no point in trying to explain to people that Ben Shapiro”—a conservative Jewish commentator—“is definitely not a Nazi,” the editor said.

'Another editor said: “People were scared. People were afraid to lose their jobs. Still are.”

'In addition to the new editors, a gradual feminization of publishing has made the industry less adventurous, Lionel Shriver said. “The problem is the editors, almost all of whom are women,” she said. “Women err on the side of trying to please, they tend more to be communitarians and risk averse and therefore, I think, the female takeover of publishing has made it cautious and bland.”'

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I'm Moving to Substack

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The Lou Perez Podcast with Devon Eriksen

Devon and I talk tech bros, space flight, gold bullets, the problem with Audible, and of course his new novel Theft of Fire.

Available here:

The Lou Perez Podcast with Jennifer Sey
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Masnov
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Masnov
The Lou Perez Podcast - Thomas Quiter
The Lou Perez Podcast - Thomas Quiter
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Harrigan
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Harrigan
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