The Lou Perez
Comedy • Politics • Culture
Lou Perez is a Webby Award-winning comedian, host of The Lou Perez Podcast, and former head writer and producer of We the Internet TV.
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"I’d never heard of you, but okay."

TWEETER: I’d never heard of you, but okay. Saw your Book TV interview. Not quite sure what your complaint was: that while in office, President Obama didn’t get as much “shade” from comics, b/c he wasn’t as ignorant, petty, sexist, racist, misogynistic and criminal as trump??

ME: As I recount in my book, THAT JOKE ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE: President Obama spied on Americans, prosecuted whistleblowers, and assassinated at least one US citizen. There was also Operation Fast and Furious and Obama continued US involvement in Libya without congressional approval.

I highly recommend the read. I even narrate the audiobook.

TWEETER: Operative word: “continued”. Good men w/perceived power are often thwarted from doing what they intended when they first began. This aged one has learned to ask, “In what context?”, “By whom?”before passing judgment. Not acknowledging that ...

intent counts is both naive & unfair.

ME: "I’d never heard of you, but okay."

I only get comments like ...

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I'm Moving to Substack

Thank you all for supporting me over the past few years. I hope you'll come with me over to


The Lou Perez Podcast with Devon Eriksen

Devon and I talk tech bros, space flight, gold bullets, the problem with Audible, and of course his new novel Theft of Fire.

Available here:

The Lou Perez Podcast with Jennifer Sey
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Masnov
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Masnov
The Lou Perez Podcast - Thomas Quiter
The Lou Perez Podcast - Thomas Quiter
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Harrigan
The Lou Perez Podcast with James Harrigan
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