I can’t say there’s a hill I’m willing to die on. But there are hills I am willing to walk away from with a limp.
I received my latest limp on behalf of the Proud Boys. And I’m not even a member. I just had the temerity to point out that Antifa’s archnemeses, the Fred Perry-wearing Western chauvinists, are not white supremacists.
My latest in Spiked Magazine.
Thank you all for supporting me over the past few years. I hope you'll come with me over to https://thelouperez.substack.com/
Devon and I talk tech bros, space flight, gold bullets, the problem with Audible, and of course his new novel Theft of Fire.
Available here: https://devoneriksen.com/novels
Wil and I decolonize… talk hate-crime hoaxes, Black Egyptians, prey morality, Hamas, and his new book Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me. https://substack.com/home/post/p-145983440